Monday, February 25, 2008


its mid sem break again.
i think the most interesting thing in the world is the human pyschology. how differently each person thinks.... the days pass by and each incident shakes u up n throws u into an abyss, an immeasurably deep chasm of thoughts. periodic plunges into such depths can awaken your mind and give fresh perspective on life and its value. i look back and think of the many tiny incidents that make me smile :

when waves come crashing onto the shore,
when a leaf twirls in the early morning breeze,
when a kid smiles from behind her mothers knees,
when your favourite song is running on the radio station you accidentally tuned into,
when you smell the rain on sand,
when you watch a singer lost in the music of her voice,
when you swing so high that it seems like you will never come back to the ground,
when you touch your mothers hands after a gap of 4 months,
when you wake up with a smile on your face,
when you feel you are blessed with the best of friends,
when you feel the excitement of surprising someone,
when you sit back and enjoy an evening with a movie and soft lights,
when you walk out of an exam sure of 97% of your answers,
when the person you have a secret crush on compliments you,
when the sweet bliss of calmness washes over you.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

disaster band! :D

well this is the band we formed in my 9th. members: sitara, ashwini, shwetha, shruthi, n myself.
the song that we wrote and composed music for:

I woke up this mornin,
thinking of something i had to do.
I dunno why but i always try,
to satisfy ppl everytime.

oo oo girl that is life!

the sun rises rises in the mornin,
sets in the evening,
reminds me of everything i do.
i gotta go to school, its so cool,
but i have to study,
well its my duty!

oo oo girl that is life!

our parents, our teachers,
they love us, they teach us,
but they dont like us screaming
while they are preaching,
but just listen to us -

oo oo adults that is life!

oo oo girl that is life!


i have a dream... a song to sing....

i keep going thro these sudden phases where i remb oh i have a blog! lol... so this is the outcome of one such.
i was thinking of shashi ma'am - my english teacher for class 6 n 7. n well - i shud say one of the ppl who have had a profound influence on me. her crisp cotton sarees and her "how to make tea" in passive voice... r things ill never forget. the 7th syd annual day drama or was it 8th! woops i dun remb that she organised and the song that i sang - i have a dream... a song to sing... by abba... i remb to this day! she encouraged us to think, write, read and do things differently... she spoke to us abt voodoo and black magic and about backpacking trips. classes were absolute fun! n the 7th farewell party was an offspring of her idea!
i think of how important a teacher's influence on a student is - for the love or hatred of the subject and i realise my liking for books was also partly due to her allowing us to convert one english class a week into library periods. she sure was a breath of fresh air in the school - with fresh ideas and perspectives... n well - as expected - was faced with quite a bit of opposition. i have enjoyed classes with u and i have fond memories... n hope that some day i have the opportunity to meet u again.

well ma'am this is to u - to the difference u have caused in my life! :)